Ensure the organization is structured to properly leverage technology.
The organizational diagnosis consists of addressing organizational issues both in terms of technological decisions and other resources necessary for its operation. Among other things, alignment with the company's mission and vision, human resources capacity and budget alignment are discussed.
Often, the technological strategy is established according to the architectural choices that have been made as the business needs are identified. On the other hand, the capacity for evolution of these architectural choices must be put into perspective of the medium and long term strategy of an organization. It is during the review of the technological strategy that this evaluation is made and that recommendations emerge allowing the potential realignment of technological and architectural decisions.
La stratégie technologique permet d'établir un alignement entre les décisions technologique et la stratégie d'entreprise ou de portefeuille de produit. Afin de s'assurer de l'impact de cet stratégie, une série d'activités tactiques et opérationnelles doivent être planifiées à moyen et à long terme. La feuille de route technologique séquence dans le temps l'ensemble de ces activités pour mieux planifié les ressources nécéssaires, les efforts requis et le budget nécéssaire à la pérénité de la stratégie technologique.
Physical architecture, security architecture, organic architecture, technological architecture, business architecture, software architecture, integration architecture. Whatever is called the type of architecture that is done, audits can be done to ensure their quality.
A large part of the software architecture is based on the experience of the designer whose responsibility is to make decisions in order to ensure that the balance is maintained between the scalability of a solution and the resources necessary to crystallize his decisions. The architecture audit allows to have an outside eye and to evaluate the reasoning behind the decisions taken in order to solidify the foundations. Also this audit makes it possible to have recommendations as to the evolution of a technological stack or ways of doing things, for example.
Defining the Life Cycle of Software Development (SDLC) is only one of the stages of the implementation of good practices. The technical review of DevOps tools makes it possible to assess the alignment of tools with the processes in order to maximize their use but also to validate that they are used in the right way.
One of the audits that has the most impact on the evolution of development practices is code review. This service passes all the code of a solution through sometimes automated, sometimes manual processes in order to validate several factors related to software development, but which are not taken into consideration by architecture audits. For example, best practices related to security, privacy protection, proper use of resources, long-term maintainability, coding guidelines and conventions are part of a comprehensive review exercise. made by experts in this field.
Processes allow an organization to streamline all development activities. On the other hand, the more the technology changes and the more the team evolves, the more the processes must be adapted to the new reality.
Development processes support the entire software development lifecycle. These processes produce quality software in a repeatable way. The process review assesses the alignment between what is expected of the development team and the reality of what can be done in the context of solution development. Also it allows to assess if the processes are adapted to the capacity of the new tools or the technology that is used during the development.
In the context of the development of a classic software solution, the quality of the solution is only assessed when the client uses this same solution. The new cloud development models allow a new type of deployment to facilitate the use of these solutions. On the other hand, the quality of a solution now includes the operation of the solution and the ability of an organization to fulfill its mandate. The evaluation of operations makes it possible to ensure the efficiency of the processes and resources that are used when using software solutions by customers, in cloud computing mode.
During major technological changes or a higher rate of staff turnover, the evaluation of the capacity of a development team is sometimes necessary in order to create optimal teams. The team assessment service goes beyond a simple capacity assessment, but can also include the review of profiles, job descriptions, roles, responsibilities